MQ Installation MQ_yes MQLT_yes MQLib_yes

Installing Instrument Modules

After running Midi Quest, in order to use the software it is necessary to install one or more instrument modules. Each instrument module describes the instrument to Midi Quest so it is able to collect, store, edit, and return the SysEx to the instrument.

To add an instrument module to Midi Quest, tap the Studio-Add button. If this is the first time an instrument module is being added, the Instrument Module list is immediately displayed listing the MIDI devices supported by Midi Quest. If one or more instrument modules are already installed, a pop-up menu of options is displayed. Choose Install Instrument... from the list.

Install Instrument Dialog

The Install Instrument Module dialog is displayed listing all of the available instrument modules in alphabetical order. Scroll through the list to find the instrument module to install, select it and press the OK button to start installing. Midi Quest will download and install the selected instrument module and add the instrument to the Studio. Depending on the size of the module, download and installation may take a little time as the largest modules are around 100MB.

Many instruments have multiple memory configurations. This isn't the case for the for Kronos but for those that do, the list of configurations is displayed. The example here is from an Alesis QS synth which can have multiple memory configurations.

Select Memory Configuration Dlg

"Default Set" is the standard configuration for each instrument and it usually specifies creates components for all of the instrument's RAM memory. If you are unsure of which option to select, choose "Default Set" while you learn Midi Quest. After making the selection, the instrument is displayed in the Studio view.


Studio View - Kronos


The next step is to successfully configure Settings so that Midi Quest can communicate with the hardware. In order to accomplish this, you may need to access Midi Quest's instrument specific Fast Tips. Tap on the instrument in the Studio to select it then tap the Studio-FastTips Fast Tips button. Fast Tips are usually in .rtf format text file so you will need an app installed that supports this format. If the iPad currently does not have an app supporting this format, install Adobe Acrobat from the Apple App Store. Following is the Fast Tips for the Korg Kronos as displayed in Safari.

Fast Tips view

Fast Tips contains instrument specific information on connecting to and communicating with the hardware. If this information may be required to successfully configure Midi Quest. As a result, it may make sense to open Fast Tips before starting the setup process.