Registration Before proceeding, please take a moment to complete the following registration process. If you have purchased an upgrade, you are already registered and can skip this step. 1. Open with your internet browser. 2. Complete the online registration form, including the serial number printed on the first page of your owner's manual. 3. Click the Submit button at the bottom of the form to complete your registration. Congratulations! Completing this form entitles you to access Sound Quest's technical support services.
Regarding this Manual For the remainder of this manual, we refer to the software as "Midi Quest" regardless of which version you own (Midi Quest, Midi Quest Pro, Midi Quest Essentials, Midi Quest one). If a feature is specific to any particular version of the software, it will noted at the end of the topic. It is possible for Sound Quest to make documentation errors and any claim or lack of claim for the support of a particular feature for a particular version of Midi Quest will be addressed as quickly as possible. This chapter, introduces Midi Quest and provides an overview of how it works. Each of Midi Quest's different file types are covered and their purposes explained. The Sound Quest web site is also referenced as your live update source for new instrument modules and obtain technical support.