IconEdit Templates / Apply (Panel Edit)


This function is used to move, size, or move and re-size controls based on the information stored from other controls

This function takes the x, y, width, and height values stored by the last Position, Size, or Position and Size selection made from the Templates menu. These values are assigned to the currently selected controls.  The intent is generally to ensure that one group of controls is in the exact same position as another set of controls on the assumption that they are stored on different layers so they can be displayed with the exact same position and size.



To re-size and/or reposition controls to match another group of controls:

1.Choose Editor/Panel Edit to place the Editor in Panel Edit mode
2.Use the Position, Size, or Position and Size options to store the location of a group of controls
3.Select the controls that are to be moved into the same position, size, or position and size
4.Right click and choose Templates/Apply from the pop-up context menu
5.The size, position, or size and position are applied to the selected controls

Key Equivalent:


note: key equivalents will only work when the editor view has focus. If the panel editor has been used then the focus has been shifted and key equivalents will not work. Click the mouse in the editor view to reset the focus and enable key equivalents.

Available in:

Midi Quest Pro


Midi Quest


Midi Quest Essentials


Midi Quest one
