IconStud AutoSense Settings (Studio Window)


This option attempts to automatically determine which MIDI ports the selected instrument is connected to and the channel it uses to communicate SysEx on (SysEx Channel).

Midi Quest will automatically execute this command each time an instrument is installed unless the option is disabled in the Preferences. If, during the initial installation you are unsuccessful when using AutoSense, you should check Fast Tips to ensure that your instrument is configured properly. At this point, you can manually configure the MIDI ports and SysEx Channel or you can run Auto Sense again.

For this command to work, this instrument must already be configured as follows:

The instrument must have a duplex MIDI connection. That is, there must be a MIDI cable connecting a computer MIDI interface's MIDI OUT port to the instrument's MIDI IN port and a MIDI cable connecting the instrument's MIDI OUT port to a computer MIDI interface's MIDI IN port.
The instrument must be configured to respond to SysEx messages. Some instruments, particularly those made by Korg, are shipped with SysEx disabled and this capability must be enabled manually. Information on doing this is included with each instrument's Fast Tips file.
One of the instrument's SysEx dumps must be smaller than 2000 bytes. If this is not the case then Midi Quest does not attempt to automatically find the instrument.


1.Decide on which instrument you want to AutoSense
2.Check Fast Tips to ensure that the instrument is set up properly
3.Highlight the instrument in the studio. The instrument must have a Set selected
4.Choose Studio/Device Settings/AutoSense Settings
5.Midi Quest will attempt to find the instrument by requesting a small dump
6.If successful, the search will automatically stop before reaching the final MIDI Port/channel combination

The AutoSense Instrument Settings Dialog


This dialog provides feedback on the MIDI Ports and SysEx Channel that is currently being queried for the selected instrument. If search reaches the final combination without success, you will need to configure the instrument yourself manually.

Available in:

Midi Quest Pro


Midi Quest


Midi Quest Essentials


Midi Quest one




See Also: Installing Instruments