MQ Virtual Keyboard Custom Pane (Panel Edit)

The Virtual Keyboard control provides a graphic keyboard which both displays incoming MIDI note activity and clicking on notes on the keyboard will output and display those notes.


Virtual Keyboard Parameters

This control requires that you provide a number of graphics so that the program can render the the appropriate keyboard states. You must always provide the first three graphics for the upper keyboard. In order to emulate dual color keyboards as found in some organs, it is also possible to specify a lower keyboard with a different set of graphics.

When creating the keyboard, Midi Quest assumes that the black keys (C#, D#. F#, etc) are 7/10th the length of the white keys.

For a sample keyboard, you can view the keyboard graphics in the D-50 folder. The bitmaps are: D-50 White Up, D-50 White Down, and D-50 Black Down. These are copyright graphics and may not be used without the permission of Sound Quest.

U - All Keys Up

A graphic depicting one octave of the keyboard with no keys pressed. The upper graphic in a split keyboard.

U - All Keys Down

A graphic depicting one octave of the keyboard with all of the white keys in a lowered state and all black keys in a raised state. The upper graphic in a split keyboard.

U - Black Key Down

A graphic depicting one black key in its lowered state. The upper graphic in a split keyboard.

L - All Keys Up

A graphic depicting one octave of the keyboard with no keys pressed. The lower graphic in a split keyboard.

L - All Keys Down

A graphic depicting one octave of the keyboard with all of the white keys in a lowered state and all black keys in a raised state. The lower graphic in a split keyboard.

L - Black Key Down

A graphic depicting one black key in its lowered state. The lower graphic in a split keyboard.

Number of Octaves

The number of octaves to display for the keyboard

Base Octave

Which octave the left most octave of the keyboard represents. Range is 0 - 9. For example, if you want the left-most C note to play MIDI note 36 then this parameter should be set to "3".

Octave Offset

Currently unused

Lower Octaves

The number of octaves to render using the "Lower" bitmaps.


The velocity assigned to each note that is generated and output by clicking the mouse on the keyboard. The range is 0 - 127 where 0 specifies that the velocity be generated based on the position of the mouse on the keyboard. 1 - 127 specifies a fixed velocity of the specified value.

Custom Edges

Custom Edges parameters are useful for keyboards which do not begin or end with the C or F note and require cleanup for optimal display.

Extra notes

Specify the additional number of notes to display beyond the specified octaves

Edge Clean Up

The upper keyboard bitmap with all keys up to render the upper edge of the keyboard

Edge Clean Down

The upper keyboard bitmap with all keys rendered in the down position

MIDI Channel

There are two options. "Editor Select" specifies that only notes received on the MIDI channel assigned to the SysEx are displayed by the keyboard. "Omni" specifies that all received notes are displayed regardless of channel. Channels 1 through 16 specifies that only notes received on the specified MIDI channel are displayed.

V-var Display

specifies parameters that can be controlled using the current contents of a specified V variable

V-var - Base Octave

Enter the V variable which is used to specify the base octave. For example, entering 10 indicates that the contents of VVar 10 is used to specify the base octave instead of using the specified fixed value. 0 = unused

V-var - Octave

Enter the V variable which is used to specify the octave offset. For example, entering 11 indicates that the contents of VVar 11 is used to specify the octave offset instead of using the specified fixed value. 0 = unused

V-var - Note Recog

Enter the V variable which is used to specify whether note recognition is enabled or not. For example, 12 indicates the the contents of VVar 12 is used to specify the state of note recognition.

V-var - Control

parameters allow the keyboard to be used to generate macro events instead of MIDI note events.

V-var - Global Macro

enter the global macro number that is executed each time an event is created by mouse activity in the control

Note Var

Specifies the VVar storage location for a generated note. When mouse activity on the keyboard generates a note event, the note number for that event is stored in the VVar.

Velocity Var

Specifies the VVar storage location for a generated note velocity. When mouse activity on the keyboard generates a note event, the note velocity for that event is stored in the VVar.

Block MIDI Input

Normally this control displays incoming MIDI note events. When checked, the control displays only note events from mouse presses and ignores incoming MIDI events.


Available in:

Midi Quest Pro


Midi Quest


Midi Quest Essentials


Midi Quest one
