Purpose: The most important attribute of an Editor is, of course, its editing capabilities. Editors utilize a number of different methods of editing or changing the value of parameters. These methods are: `Grab and Drag', scroll wheel editing, right click editing, direct numeric entry, incremental editing, and double clicking on a parameter. There are also specific methods for editing graphic envelopes and Patch names. Each of these methods is described below. The first step is to choose the parameter you wish to edit. Just point your mouse over the parameter and click on it. The chosen parameter is framed in red. Grab and Drag Editing 'Grab and Drag' editing is probably the most popular method of editing a parameter. By clicking on the parameter and dragging the mouse, any value in the parameter's range can be chosen. To edit a parameter with `Grab and Drag' editing:
Knob Grab and Drag Editing Knobs features an additional grab and drag editing option: rotary (default). With this option set, the knob follows the position of the mouse in a rotary fashion so parameter values are set absolutely instead of being edited relative to the current value. Rotary vs standard editing is set from the Preferences / Patch page. When knobs use standard grab and drag editing they feature a dual operating mode. When the range of the knob's parameter is 256 or less then editing is based on the motion of the mouse (relative). Dragging the mouse up/down or left/right will change the value incrementally and relative to the current value as the mouse is moved. If the range of the parameter is greater than 256 then editing is altered so that the new value is assigned based on where the mouse is located within the area of the knob instead of mouse movement (absolute value). For up/down motion the knob will reach its maximum value when the mouse is at the top of the control and the minimum value when the mouse is at the bottom of the control. The same concept applies to left/right motion. The allows the knob to effectively edit parameters which have very large ranges where dragging the mouse would take excessively long to change the value from minimum to maximum. For these larger range parameters, the scroll wheel can be used to adjust the parameter value by single increments.
Scroll (Mouse) Wheel Editing The mouse scroll wheel can be used to edit the value of a control. Select the control to edit and use the scroll wheel to change the value of the parameter. By default, scrolling towards yourself reduces the parameter value and scrolling away increases the value. This functionality can be reversed by checking the "Invert Scroll Wheel Input" option on the Preferences / Patch Edit page. Scroll wheel editing is performed on all selected controls, both red and green, not just the focus control. Scroll wheel editing functions uniquely with the Array control. Using the scroll wheel adjusts all levels up or down equally and simultaneously.
Right Click Editing Right click editing is used with numeric and text parameters. If the parameter has a small value range then a pop-up menu will be displayed showing all of the parameter values. To select a new value for the parameter, simply click on the value you want If the parameter has a wide range of values then right clicking on it will have the same effect as if you had double clicked. For the numeric parameter, you will see a dialog to enter a new value. For text parameters, the Parameter Selector Dialog. is displayed and it is used to change the parameter's value. For more information, please see the Double click section below.
Direct Numeric Editing Direct numeric entry is useful when the precise value of a parameter is known. In this case, it can be typed directly into the editor. An example of this would be creating a new Patch by entering the values from a Patch sheet. To give a parameter a particular value:
Incremental Editing Use incremental editing to change the value of a chosen parameter using a computer keyboard instead of the mouse. The two keys '<' and '>' will decrement and increment the value of the parameter respectively. For the Windows OS, hold either of these keys down to scroll through the range of possible values. For horizontal and vertical sliders, use the left and right arrow keys. The following keyboard keys perform incremental editing '<' or ',' = -1 '>' or '.' = +1 '[' or '{' = -10 ']' or '}' = +10 Incremental editing is performed on all selected controls, both red and green, not just the focus control. Incremental editing behaves differently with an array. In this case, all parameters are incremented or decremented by the same amount.
To change a parameter's value with incremental editing:
Note: Use the left and right arrow keys for incremental editing of the vertical and horizontal sliders
Graphic Envelope Editing All editing of Graphic Envelopes is performed using the mouse. In most instances there are also parameters in the editor showing each of the envelope points numerically. If you wish to edit the envelope values with the computer keyboard, perform the edits on these numeric values. Each editable envelope point will be indicated with a selection marker. While most envelope points can be edited in both the horizontal and vertical directions, Depending on the instrument's envelope hardware, some of the envelope points may be able to move in only the horizontal or only the vertical directions. Limiting Envelope Editing: It is also possible to intentionally limit envelope point editing. Hold down the computer's left SHIFT key to limit envelope editing to the horizontal direction. Hold down the computer's right SHIFT key to limit envelope editing to the vertical direction. Double click on the envelope to display an expanded envelope for more detailed or accurate editing. To change the shape of a graphic envelope:
Note: Each drag point can only be moved within the limits set by the instrument's envelope.
Editing a Patch Name To edit a Patch name:
Double Click You may double click on any parameter which displays a list of optional text selections (eg. On, Off, Both, Single). For large lists, this will bring up a Parameter Selector Dialog. which will display the entire range of parameter values. For small lists, a popup menu is displayed to select from. To change a text selection's value by double clicking:
If you double click on a Numeric value, you will get a popup dialog that you can use to increment and decrement the value of the parameter or you can use the computer keyboard to type in a new value. Double click on a graphic envelope or X-Y control (Wavestation) Available in: