MIDI Errors (Technical Docs) These errors are all generated while attempting to either transmit or receive System Exclusive information. Before attempting to deal with the particular error, you should verify this information: 1. Communications channels for SysEx and instrument match. 2. SysEx communication is ENABLED for the instrument. (It is possible to shut off SysEx on many instruments) 3. Check that the Patch Bay is properly mapped to the instrument. 4. All requirements & warnings in Fast Tips have been met. 5. Connect the instrument DIRECTLY to the computer. 6. ie. No merge boxes, mappers, etc. are connected. 7. Retry the communication. If after checking all of these possibilities an error is still being generated, it will be necessary to check out the particular error. The "Possible Causes" listed below will not include those already covered! In the listings below, the problem causes are listed in order of greatest to least likely. You should try to sort out the problem based on the order of this listing. NOTE: If you are working on a new driver, it is much more likely that there is an error in the driver. Concentrate on correcting the driver parameters. While the listings below include errors resulting from an incorrect driver, it considers them to be improbable and so usually they are listed at the bottom. CHECK THESE OUT FIRST!
ERROR! Incorrect # of bytes received! Possible Causes: 1. Error during MIDI communication. 2. Error in the instrument's ROM software. Solutions: 1. Retry MIDI communication. 2A. Check Fast Tips to see if there are any known problems. 2B. Contact Roland to determine whether the latest software is being used. If you are not, have your ROMS replaced. NOTE: This error can only be generated by ROLAND communication.
ERROR! MIDI Unit did not respond! Possible Causes: 1. The driver dump request is incorrect. 2. The MIDI Channel Ofs (SysEx Channel Ofs) is incorrect. 3. Instrument did not respond within timeout period. NOTE: Cause 3 (though very unlikely) should only occur in systems which require a polled MIDI reception scheme. The only polled reception currently used is with an ATARI ST running under CLab's Director. Solutions: 1. Verify and correct if necessary. 2. Verify and correct if necessary. 3. Load the macro into the Instrument Creator Window and add a small delay in the Receive Macro between transmitting the dump request (T n) and receiving the SysEx (R n).
ERROR! End of SysEx not received (TimeOut)! Possible Causes: 1. The wrong dump request is being used for the expected SysEx. 2. Instrument did not complete transmission within the timeout period. NOTE: Cause 2 (though very unlikely) should only occur in systems which require a polled MIDI reception scheme. The only polled reception currently used is with an ATARI ST running under CLab's Director. Solutions: 1. Verify and correct if necessary. 2. Load the macro into the Instrument Creator Window and make sure that the TR n macro command is used for transmitting any dump request messages.
ERROR! SysEx missing bytes! Possible Causes: 1. A byte was lost by the MIDI receive circuitry. 2. Driver has an incorrect "FileSize" entry ('Sgl' mode). 3. Macro Receive call has incorrect # of bytes ('Ext' mode). 4. Driver is expecting a fixed length MIDI message when the message is in fact a variable length. Solutions: 1. Retry the MIDI operation. 2. Verify and correct the "File Size" entry if necessary. 3. Verify and correct R n or RA x n macro calls if necessary. 4. Take generic dump into SysEx Window and verify file size or make "Fixed Length" 'No' if this is the case. NOTE: When "Fixed Length" is 'Yes', every SysEx reception undergoes a number of tests to determine whether valid data was received.
ERROR! Unexpected end of Macro! Possible Causes: 1. The Data Pointer has been set into the macro (use S cmd) and you are then writing beyond the size of the MIDI string. Solutions: 1. Load and check your macro very carefully if your computer has not already crashed.
ERROR! Unexpected Macro Command Possible Causes: 1. The macro was written on a newer version of Midi Quest which has an enhanced macro language. 2. The Data Pointer has been set into the macro (use S cmd) and you are then writing beyond the size of the MIDI string. Solutions: 1. Contact Sound Quest, report the problem and we will attempt to determine whether this is the problem. 2. Load and check your macro very carefully if your computer has not already crashed.
ERROR! No EOF transmission found! Possible Causes: 1. A byte was lost by the MIDI receive circuitry. 2. Driver has an incorrect "FileSize" entry ('Sgl' mode). 3. Macro Receive call has incorrect # of bytes ('Ext' mode). 4. Driver is expecting a fixed length MIDI message when the message is in fact a variable length. Solutions: 1. Retry the MIDI operation. 2. Verify and correct the "File Size" entry if necessary. 3. Verify and current R n or RA x n macro calls if necessary. 4. Take generic dump into SysEx Window and verify file size or make "Fixed Length" 'No' if this is the case. NOTE: When "Fixed Length" is 'Yes' then every SysEx reception undergoes a number of tests to determine whether valid data was received.
ERROR! Incorrect Company ID! Possible Causes: 1. Error during MIDI communication. 2. An instrument responded which should not have. 3. The incorrect "Company ID" was entered in Driver. Solutions: 1. Retry the MIDI communication. 2. Ensure the correct instrument is connected to the computer. 3. Verify and correct the "Company ID" - IN HEX!
ERROR! Unexpected ACK recvd! ERROR! Roland Communication Error! ERROR! Unrecognized Roland Error! Possible Causes: 1. Error during MIDI communication. 2. Error in the instrument's ROM software. Solutions: 1. Retry MIDI communication. 2. Check Fast Tips to see if there are any known problems. 2. Contact Roland to determine whether the latest software is being used. If you are not using the latest software, have your ROMS replaced. NOTE: This error can only be generated by ROLAND communication.
ERROR! SysEx Data Rejected! Possible Causes: 1. Error in MIDI communication. 2. Instrument is in the wrong mode for the desired communication. 3. Error in the instrument's ROM software. Solutions: 1. Retry MIDI communication. 2. Check Fast Tips to see if there are any known problems. 2. If the driver uses handshaking - set communication properly. 2. If no handshaking - ensure instrument is not in that mode. 3. Contact Roland to determine whether the latest software is being used. If you are not using the latest software, have your ROMS replaced. NOTE: This error can only be generated by ROLAND communication.
ERROR! Dump Too large for allocated memory! Possible Causes: 1. A driver for a variable length SysEx dump only made a partial memory allocation to save memory. The instrument sent more bytes than were allocated. Solutions: 1. There will usually be a driver with a larger "FileSize" (which controls memory allocation). If not, increase the driver's "FileSize" using the Instrument Creator Window.
ERROR! Memory Allocation Failed! Possible Causes: 1. When a driver does not have a fixed length (ie "Fixed Length" is 'No'), then after SysEx data is received a new buffer is allocated which is the same size as the number of bytes received. If the allocation of the new buffer fails, this error is generated. Solutions: 1. Make more memory available to the computer for this buffer by closing as many windows as is necessary to correctly receive the data. Available in: