MQ Library Preferences (Options Menu)


These options control the display and operation of the Library windows.




Audition controls auditioning from Library Windows. When this item is checked, selecting a Patch in a Library will automatically audition that Patch to the instrument. This provides the quickest and easiest way to try out various Patches determine which one is best suited to the current piece of music. The auditioning chord is defined under the Tones Tab.

Default: On


Add Patches Mode

When patches are added to a Library there are five different ways in which ways in which they can be tested before they are added to the Library

Add All Patches to the List: All patches that are added to the Library will be accepted even if there are duplicates in the Library. This is the fastest way to add patches to a Library as there are no tests performed when patches are added.

Add Only Unique Patches to the List: only patches which are currently not in the Library are added. Any patch that is already in the Library is ignored. This is a slower but more efficient method of adding patches to a Library. Before each patch is added, the software performs a byte level comparison with each patch already in the Library to ensure that the patch does not already exist.

Add Any Patch with a Unique Name: only patches with unique names are added to the Library. This test allows patches to be added to a Library much more quickly than in the above option but patches that have the same name but possibly different sounds will automatically be rejected.

Verify on Name Match: all patches with unique names are automatically added however, when the patch being added to the Library already exists by name, you are given the option of adding it or not.

Verify on Identical Patch: all unique patches are automatically added however, when a patch already exists in a Library, you are given the option of adding it or not.

Default: Add All Patches to the List


Add Sorted: If this option is checked then when patches are added to the Library, the program attempts to maintain the alphabetical ordering of the patches. If this option is unchecked then patches are appended to the list. Note: using this function only makes sense if create and maintain and alphabetical listing.

Default: Off


Number of Patches to Generate

There are two parameters which control the number of patches which are created when the Mix, Blend and Morph new patch creation functions are executed.

Default: 50


Column Tag Names

Each patch in a library has eight assignable tags which you can use to describe the patch for future searches. By default, each tag column is titled "Tag 1" through "Tag 8". If you consistently use a particular column for a given type of information, you have the option of renaming that column to use a descriptive name.

For instance, if you commonly use the eighth column to store an order number so you can keep your library of patches in a particular order, you could give the column a title of "Order" instead of "Tag 8".



The audition options on the Library page break with the general layout of Preferences in the there are non-Library options available. Specific auditioning options for Libraries, Collections, and the Patch Zone have been added. Instead of having Collection and Patch Zone Preferences pages with a single item, the Audition options were kept together in one place.

The audition option for each window provides three settings: Off (no auditioning), On (SysEx transmission of the patch followed by a chord as specified in the Tones page), and SysEx only which performs a SysEx transmission of the Patch to the MIDI hardware but playing the patch is left to an external source.


Available in:

Midi Quest Pro


Midi Quest


Midi Quest Essentials


Midi Quest one
